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Formation and retention of organically bound deuterium in rice in deuterium water release experiment


安藤 麻里子  ; 天野 光; 柿内 秀樹; 一政 満子*; 一政 祐輔*

Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Amano, Hikaru; Kakiuchi, Hideki; Ichimasa, Michiko*; Ichimasa, Yusuke*


As a substitute of tritium, deuterium water (D2O) vapor release experiments were performed to estimate the difference of formation and subsequent retention of organically bound deuterium (OBD) in rice plants between daytime and nighttime exposure. Potted plants were exposed to deuterium water vapor in a greenhouse for 8 hours, under day and night conditions. Deuterium concentrations in free water and organic matter in rice leaves and ears were investigated until the harvest time. Data analysis was carried out using a model in which different generating processes of organic matter were considered. The calculated results agreed with the measured value.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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