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 年 ~ 

X-ray-induced ion desorption from solid surfaces


馬場 祐治  

Baba, Yuji


This article reviews recent works on the ion desorption from solid surfaces induced by the irradiation of soft X-rays ranging from 100 eV to 3 keV. The data presented here are focused on the positive ion desorption from adsorbed, condensed, and solid molecules following the core-level excitations. The element-specific and site-specific fragment-ion desorptions are clearly realized, when we tune the photon energy at the core-to-valence resonance regions. The specificity of the ion desorption more clearly shows up following the deep-core excitations, i.e., 1s$$rightarrow$$4p resonant excitations in third-row elements, rather than the shallow-core excitations. Since the main decay channels after the core-level excitation are the Auger transitions, the Auger decay spectra excited by the photons around the core-level thresholds are also presented for some of the adsorbed systems. The mechanism of the observed highly specific ion desorption is discussed on the basis of the photon-energy dependencies of the electron and ion yields and the analysis of the Auger decay spectra.



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