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Interaction between small-scale zonal flows and large-scale turbulence; A Theory for ion transport intermittency in tokamak plasmas

微視的スケールの帯状流と巨視的スケール乱流間の相互作用; トカマクプラズマにおけるイオン輸送の間欠性に関する議論

Li, J.; 岸本 泰明

Li, J.; Kishimoto, Yasuaki


Interaction between small-scale zonal flows and large-scale turbulence is investigated. The key mechanism is identified as radially non-local mode coupling. Fluctuating energy can be non-locally transferred from the unstable longer to stable or damped shorter wavelength region, so that turbulence spectrum is seriously deformed and deviated from the nonlinear power law structure. Three-dimensional gyro-fluid ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence simulations show that an ion transport bursting behavior is consistently linked to the spectral deformity with the causal role of ITG-generated zonal flows in tokamak plasmas.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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