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Lattice distortion and resonant X-ray scattering in DyB$$_{2}$$C$$_{2}$$


五十嵐 潤一; 長尾 辰哉*

Igarashi, Junichi; Nagao, Tatsuya*

DyB$$_{2}$$C$$_{2}$$における四重極秩序相におけるDyのL吸収端における共鳴X線散乱スペクトルを研究した。BとC原子の層の ゆがみを解析して、副格子ごとに違う主軸をもつ結晶場の有効モデルを構成した。5d状態はバンドとして扱い、4f状態は局在状態として扱い、双極子近似の範囲でスペクトルを計算した。格子歪が直接5d状態を変調する機構と格子歪により変調を受けた4f状態がクーロン相互佐用を通して5d状態を変調するとの機構の両方を調べて、前者の機構が圧倒的に大きいことを見いだした。

We study the resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) spectra at the Dy L_${III}$ absorption edge in the quadrupolar ordering phase of DyB$$_{2}$$C$$_{2}$$. Analyzing the buckling of sheets of B and C atoms, we construct an effective model that the crystal field is acting on the 5d and 4f states with the principal axes different for different sublattices. Treating the 5d states as a band and the 4f states as localized states, we calculate the spectra within the dipole transition. We take account of processes that (1) the lattice distorion directly modulates the 5d states and (2) the charge anisotropy of the quadrupole ordering 4f states modulates the 5d states through the 5d-4f Coulomb interaction. The former process is found to give dominant contribution to the spectra.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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