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Report No.

Low activation materials applicable to the IFMIF accelerator

Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Takeuchi, Hiroshi

IFMIF is an accelerator-based intense neutron source for developing fusion reactor materials, and a stable and continuous operation is a primary importance. The radioactivity produced by the beam loss prolongs the cooling time before maintenance and results in a potential limit to the availability. The materials selection is important for minimizing the total radioactivity produced by ion beam and neutrons, after about one day cooling time in advance of hands-on maintenance. For the major parts, Cu for cavity and Al for beam duct, the beam loss needs to be reduced below 5nA/m. Such a low loss can be realized by suppressing the beam halo and by using the scrapers made from high-Z material, Ta, to cut the tail of beam. The insertion points of the scrapers are determined from the beam size evolution along the accelerator and the available room for radiation shielding around them. The reduction of the radioactivity after the whole lifetime of facility is another issue and the possibility to use low activation materials coating for cavity and beam duct is presented.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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