※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Interference between thomson scattering and resonant scattering in X-ray diffraction from CeB$$_{6}$$


長尾 辰哉*; 五十嵐 潤一

Nagao, Tatsuya*; Igarashi, Junichi


We examine the mechanism of the X-ray diffraction process by including the Thomson scattering (TS) term in addition to the resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) term near the Ce L absorption edge in the antiferroquadrupole (AFQ) ordering phase of CeB$$_{6}$$. Assuming the AFQ order in the 4f states but without any lattice distortion, we obtain the TS intensity comparable to the RXS intensity, owing to the anisotropic charge distribution of 4f states. The present calculation reproduces well the interference pattern between the TS and RXS terms for the (5/2,3/2,3/2) spot observed in the recent experiment. The result suggests that the TS signal as well as the main peak of the RXS signal are a direct reflection of the AFQ order in CeB$$_{6}$$.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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