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 年 ~ 

Multi-machine comparisons of H-mode separatrix densities and edge profile behaviour in the ITPA SOL and Divertor Physics Topical Group


Kallenbach, A.*; 朝倉 伸幸; Kirk, A.*; Korotkov, A.*; Mahdavi, M. A.*; Mossessian, D.*; Porter, G. D.*

Kallenbach, A.*; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Kirk, A.*; Korotkov, A.*; Mahdavi, M. A.*; Mossessian, D.*; Porter, G. D.*


Edge profile data for H-mode discharges in 6 tokamaks have been analysed with the main focus on the edge density profile as well as electron temperature and density gradient lengths and steep gradient zone widths. A uniform procedure of data treatment and assignment of the separatrix position via power balance allowed to put the multi-machine data on an even base. The machine size appears to be the leading parameter for the width of the steep edge transport barrier gradient zone, as well as for the temperature decay length at the separatrix. Effects associated with neutral penetration physics are visible in the edge density profile.



- Accesses




分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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