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Report No.

Numerical analysis of fractional distillation characteristics for radioactive metallic waste vaporized in the shape of atomic beam

Akaoka, Katsuaki ; Maruyama, Yoichiro

The fractional distillation characteristics of the materials used for the reactor pressure vessel made of ASTM A302B and the structures in reactor made of SUS304 which are the radioactive metallic waste of Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR) were analyzed numerically. In the simulation, the vaporization rates of the components of the waste were calculated by using the Langmuir's equation and Henry's law. As the result of simulation, it was calculated that $$^{152}$$Eu, $$^{154}$$Eu, $$^{14}$$C and $$^{94}$$Nb can be reduced to less than clearance level by the fractional distillation. On the ASTM A302B case, it was pointed out that the other radioactive nuclei which are $$^{54}$$Mn, $$^{55}$$Fe, $$^{60}$$Co, $$^{59}$$Ni and $$^{63}$$Ni satisfy clearance level after 77 years cooling down. On the SUS304 case, it was pointed out that $$^{59}$$Ni and $$^{63}$$Ni must be separated to satisfy clearance level using isotope separation.



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