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Characterization of JT-60U exhaust gas during experimental operation


磯部 兼嗣; 中村 博文; 神永 敦嗣; 都筑 和泰; 東島 智; 西 正孝; 小林 靖典*; 小西 哲之*

Isobe, Kanetsugu; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Kaminaga, Atsushi; Tsuzuki, Kazuhiro; Higashijima, Satoru; Nishi, Masataka; Kobayashi, Yasunori*; Konishi, Satoshi*


Exhaust gas from JT-60U during experimental operation has been measured with Gas Chromatography (GC), and the gas exhaust characteristic from JT-60U on plasma discharge conditions has been investigated during the JT-60U experimental campaign in 2003-2004. During experimental operation of JT-60U, hydrogen isotope concentration strongly depended on the type of discharges such as high performance, long pulse and so on. On the other hand, impurity species, such as helium, hydrocarbon and carbon oxide, were detected during plasma discharges occasionally. During the experimental operation, plasma disruption remarkably tended to produce high concentration impurities. Glow discharge and Taylor discharge for wall conditioning also produced impurities. In the case of normal plasma, impurity was detected and high performance plasma, such as high $$beta$$ plasma, tended to produce high concentration impurities. This result indicated that impurities concentration might be higher in the case of normal plasma in ITER, because of its high performance.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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