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H$$_6$$$$^+$$ in irradiated solid $$para$$-hydrogen and its decay dynamics; Reinvestigation of quartet electron paramagnetic resonance lines assigned to H$$_2$$$$^-$$

Kumada, Takayuki   ; Tachikawa, Hiroto*; Takayanagi, Toshiyuki*

The quartet ESR lines observed in X-ray irradiated solid parahydrogen, which have previously been assigned to H$$_2$$$$^-$$, are reinvestigated. We have reassigned the quartet lines to H$$_6$$$$^+$$ rather than H$$_2$$$$^-$$. Based on the new assignment, previous data have been reinterpreted as follows. The H$$_6$$$$^+$$ ion is composed of the collinearly aligned H$$_2$$$$^+$$ core at the center and two H$$_2$$ rotors at both ends. The ortho-para conversion of H$$_2$$$$^+$$ core of H$$_6$$$$^+$$ is completed within the time-scale of hours. H$$_6$$$$^+$$ diffuses quantum mechanically by the repetition of H$$_6$$$$^+$$ + H$$_2$$ $$rightarrow$$ H$$_2$$ + H$$_6$$$$^+$$ reaction, and the diffusion terminates by the reaction with a HD impurity as H$$_6$$$$^+$$ + HD $$rightarrow$$ H$$_5$$D$$^+$$ + H$$_2$$. Finally, we will propose a possible reason why H$$_6$$$$^+$$ is produced instead of H$$_3$$$$^+$$ in the irradiated solid H$$_2$$.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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