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Adsorption of metal ions by carboxymethylchitin and carboxymethylchitosan hydrogels


Wasikiewicz, J. M.; 長澤 尚胤; 玉田 正男; 三友 宏志*; 吉井 文男

Wasikiewicz, J. M.; Nagasawa, Naotsugu; Tamada, Masao; Mitomo, Hiroshi*; Yoshii, Fumio


The absorption ability of various metal ions into EB - radiation crosslinked carboxymethylchitin and carboxymethylchitosan has been investigated. The highest adsorption of Scandium and Gold has been obtained for carboxymethylchitin (CMCht) and carboxymethylchitosan (CMChts), respectively. Kinetic studies showed that adsorption of most of the metal ions occur in a relatively short period of time (2 hours). Detail investigation of adsorption of gold ions has been carried out for both hydrogels. The maximum uptake of Au cations, based on Langmuir equation was determined to be 37.59 mg/g for CMChts and 11.86 mg/g for CMCht. Both hydrogels indicate favorable adsorption of gold cations.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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