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 年 ~ 

Development of an H$$^{-}$$-ion source for the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator (J-PARC)


小栗 英知  ; 上野 彰  ; 滑川 裕矢*; 池上 清*

Oguri, Hidetomo; Ueno, Akira; Namekawa, Yuya*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*


The J-PARC Project was started in 2001 as a joint project carried out by JAERI and KEK. At the first stage of the J-PARC, the linac will accelerate the H- ion beam current of 30 mA with a duty factor of 1.25 %. The J-PARC H- ion source driven with a LaB6 filament has regularly delivered more than 35 mA beam with a duty factor of 0.9 % without resorting to cesium. Although the operated duty factor is about 1/3 of the requirement, the filament is not replaced for a half year. At the J-PARC, the lifetime of the tungsten (W) filament was measured by using another H- ion source, which can produce a 72 mA with cesium seeded. The experimental results showed that there is a possibility of the W filament satisfying the lifetime of more than 500 hours, which is J-PARC requirement. We consider the W driven plasma ion source is one of the candidates for the J-PARC source. At present, we are performing the beam test of the cesium free ion source driven with W. We will present the experimental data of the beam test in this conference.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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