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高速増殖原型炉「もんじゅ」における水素・トリチウム挙動 -性能試験データによる解析コード(TTT9)の検証と定格運転予測評価-

Hydrogen and tritium behaviour in Monju; Validation of an analysis code for tritium transport in fast reactor system, TTT, and estimation for Monju full power operation in future

飯沢 克幸; 鳥居 建男  

not registered; not registered


The tritium transport analysis code, TTT, has been validated using data from the low power test of Monju, and then its behaviour at along term full power operation of Monju in future has been estimated, when the estimated transport and distribution of tritium in the reactor system has been also compared with the result in Joyo and Phenix, which had been already experienced long term operations. The TTT code had been develpped using the tiritium and hydrogen transport model proposed by R. Kumar, ANL, and had been applied to the evaluation in Monju design work. After then, futhermore, the code has been improved using the data from long term operation of Joyo with MK-II core, and in this work the code has been validated for the first time for Monju data. The results from this work are as follows; (1)Comparison of the best fitted tritium source rates from cores in Joyo, Phenix and Monju makes an estimation of the major source from control rods, (2)The calculated tritium concentration in each medium for cooling and its change is a reasonable agreement to the measured, C/E=1.1, (3)The cover gas transport model cosidering isotopic exchange of H and H$$^{3}$$ can reproduce reasonably the measured concentration distirbution of tritium in sodium and cover gas, (4)The tritium concentration in secondary sodium of Monju was about l/50 times as much as the primary one, which shows the acceraration effect on cold tarapping of tritium due to coprecipitation with permeated hydrogen through Evaporater (EV) heat conduction tube walls. The tritium cold trapping efficiency was estimated to be 1 for coprecipitation with hydrogen and 0.3 for isotopic exchange, respectively, (5)Tritium transport and distribution for along term full power operation of Monju in future was estimated, which could involve a excess factor to 4 at the maximum. The tritium concentration in sodium and Steam Generator (SG) water will be substantially saturated after somthing like 10 years full power operation, ...



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