※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


The Assessment of corrosion type and corrosion rate of carbon steel in compacted bentonite

谷口 直樹 ; 本田 明; 川崎 学*; 水流 徹*

Taniguchi, Naoki; not registered; Kawasaki, Manabu*; Tsuru, Toru*


Carbon steel is one of the candidate materials for overpacks for high-level radioactive waste disposal in Japan. The estimation of corrosion allowance of carbon steel overpack needs to clarify the type of corrosion and the corrosion rate under repository conditions. The type of the corrosion occuring on overpacks depends on whether carbon steel is passivated or not. If carbon steel is passivated under repository conditions, localized corrosion such as pitting, crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking may occur under some conditions. On the other hand, if carbon steel is not passivated under repository conditions, general corrosion will occur. Passivation behavior and corrosion rate of carbon steel were investigated by electrochemical measurements under simulated repository conditions. The results of the measurements showed that carbon steel was hard to passivate in highly compacted bentonite. The immersion tests were carried out in compacted bentonite and average corrosion rates were measured from weight loss and the AC impedance of carbon steel specimens. The database of average corrosion rate were made from the data obtained by the weight loss technique. Based on the database of average corrosion rate in compacted bentonite, the relationship between average corrosion rates and test conditions were investigated. The average corrosion depth for 1000years was also estimated to be less than 5mm. In order to simulate the accumulation of corrosion products after long term, the external current were supplied to carbon steel specimens. After the formation of corrosion products, corrosion rates were measured using AC impedance technique. The results of the measurements showed that the corrosion rate of carbon steel did not increase in the presence of corrosion products formed by external current supply.



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