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 年 ~ 


Demonstration study on shielding safety analysis code (VII)

澤村 卓史*

Sawamura, Sadashi*


Dose evaluation for direct radiation and skyshine from nuclear fuel facilities is one of the environment evaluation items. This evaluation is carried out by using some shielding calculation codes. Because of extremely few benchmark data of skyshine, the calculation has to be performed very conservatively. Therefore, the benchmark data of skyshine and the well-investigated code for skyshine would be necessary to carry out the rational evaluation of nuclear facilities. The purpose of this study is to obtain the benchmark data of skyshine and to investigate the calculation code for skyshine. In this fiscal year, the followings are investigated; (1)To improve the detection sensitivity of pulsed neutron measurement, two neutron detectors and some electronic circuits are added to the system constructed last year. (2)To estimate the neutron dose at the distant point from the facility instead of the commercialized rem-counter, a $$^{3}$$He detector with paraffin moderator is equipped to the system. (3)Using the new detection system, the skyshine of neutrons from 45Mev LINAC facility was measured in the distance up to 300m. The results show that the time structure of pulsed neutrons almost disappears at the further points than 150m. (4)In the distance from 90m to 300m ordinal total counting method without gate pulse are applied to detect the neutrons. (5)The experimental results of space dependency up to 300m is fitted fairly well by the Gui's response function.



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