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アスファルト固化処理施設火災爆発事故の中期的課題の対応,1; ドラムの熱解析

Thermal calculation of bituminized product, 1; Thermal evaluation of bituminized product using heat transporting calculation

三浦 昭彦 ; 今本 信雄 

Miura, Akihiko; not registered


This report includes several results that were made by calculation with several methods to clarify the cause of the fire and explosion incident. In the early times, we didn't have exact information of chemicaI property, reaction rate and any physical constants that we needed. But because the only data that indicate the cooling process of bituminized product was reported, we made heat-transporting calculation with taking this data. Based on the theory of the thermal hazard evaluation that was called Semenov theory or Frank-Kamenetskii theory, the amount of heat generation was estimated using the heat transporting calculation. Common theories were introduced in first section. In the second section, several results of heat transporting calculation were indicated. Calculations were made as follows. First, the model of bituminized product that was filled in the drum was created with the data of cooling process. Second, when the heat was generated in the drum, time-dependent temperature distribution was calculated. And last, judging from the balance of heat generation and heat radiation the critical heat rate was estimated.



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