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Report No.

Study of hydrazine decomposition reaction in PUREX process

Sano, Yuichi   ; not registered ; not registered ; Omori, Eiichi; not registered ; Maki, Akira

Through the safety evaluation of Tokai Reprocessing Plant, chemical reaction of hydrazine used in some chemical processes was evaluated. The evaluation includes identification of hydrazine decomposition products and reaction velocity under the boiled hydrazine and nitric acid system through the analytical results of chemical test, analysis of ammonium concentration in the recovered plutonium solution in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, investigation of ammonium related phenomena in Germany Reprocessing Plant and evaluation of hydrazine decomposition under the solvent extraction system. It was almost identified that the reaction equation and reaction velocity under the boiled hydfazine and nitric acid system without plutonium. But ammonium concentration of recovered plutonium solution was lower than that of cold solution. That needs chemical test with plutonium. The concentration of azide acid and ammonium nitrate was estimated below the explosion limit. But the analyzed concentration in the process was different from the calculated concentration. That also needs verification in the actual plant.



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