※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of the flow-through diffusion system and improvements of the experimental methods

鈴木 覚; 佐藤 治夫

Suzuki, Satoru; Sato, Haruo


For a safety assessment of the high-level radioactive waste disposal, effective diffusion coefficients (D$$_{e}$$) of radionuclides in bentonite have been accumulated by the through-diffusion method. It has been found recently that experimental results on D$$_{e}$$s for several cations (cesium and strontium) by the fairly standard experimental method in JNC differ from those previously reported in several papers. Discrepancy can be considered to be due to different design of diffusion cell and system. In order to confirm influences of the experimental design on cation diffusivities in bentonite, a flow-through diffusion system was developed and several diffusion experiments were conducted.As a result, magnitude of D$$_{e}$$ and its salinity dependence were relatively different between the standard and flow-through diffusion system. Since the latter system can control boundary conditions of the experiment more strictly than the standard method, we can conclude that the flow-through diffusion system provide correct results. In addition, we apply this flow-through diffusion system to a modification of controlling boundary condition during the experiment and to the diffusion experiment under controlled temperature.



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