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核種移行に関する基盤データ構築手法の検討および個別モデルの高度化に関する研究 -研究報告書-

Studies on Data Base Management for Nuclide Migration and Improvement of Individual Models

上田 真三*; 久野 義夫*

Ueta, Shinzo*; Kuno, Yoshio*


Methods of management of database which was based on understanding of phenomena, reliable, and closely related with performance assessment were studied on parallel with researches for individual model improvement by means of literature survey, column experiment, and analysis code development. For future management of JNC-TDB was discussed with the latest literatures. Collaboration with outer organization was considered necessary especially on authorization of the TDB. One of the outer organizations could be found in geo-thermal research field. For future management of JNC-SDB, sorption ithotherm of Np on bentonite was tested, and the consistency of the data in SDB was found. A semi-quantitative evaluation method of the reliability of the data was developed and tested with the sorption of Pu and Ni on bentonite. The result shows moderateness of the method and some literature data was considered unreliable by the evaluation. From the literature survey of ir/reversibility of nuclide sorption on colloid showed that apparent irreversibility may often be caused by slow kinetics. Additionally, some general recommendation on the system to be studied was discussed. The column experiment of Sr migration facilitated by colloid through porous media was carried out and analysed by COLFRAC-MRL code. The code was developed to simulate the colloid facilitated migration through porous media.



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