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Report No.

Development of low decontaminated MOX fuel containing MA IV; Oxygen potential and phase relation

Kato, Masato   ; Morimoto, Kyoichi ; Kihara, Yoshiyuki; Ogasawara, Masahiro*; Tamura, Tetsuya*; Uno, Hiroki*; Sunaoshi, Takeo*

Japan Nuclear Development Institute has developed homogeneous mixed oxide fuel containing minor actinide as a fuel of an advanced fast reactor. Study on the sintering behavior of the fuel was carried out and the heat treatment technique for preparing homogeneous low O/M fuel had been developed. In this report, oxygen potential was measured and phase relation was evaluated, which are needed essentially for developing the new type fuel.Oxygen potential of (Npsub0.02Amsub0.02Pusub0.3Usub0.66)Osub2-X was measured by gas equilibrium method as a function of temperature and O/M ratio. The MOX with MA has slightly higher oxygen potential as compared with that of MOX without MA. And the model of oxygen potential was derived from the measurement results based on lattice defect theory.In samples with low O/M ratio, two fcc phases were observed at room temperature. The temperature of the phase separation was measured and it is observed that the addition of MA have the effect to be decreased the phase separation temperature. In the MOX containing MA and Nd simulated a low decontaminated fuel, the Pu-Am-Nd oxides were precipitated by decreasing O/M ratio in less than 1.96.



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