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高速実験炉「常陽」運転経験報告書 : 補機冷却系統設備の運転経験

Operation experience of auxiliary plant service system

磯崎 和則*; 永山 哲也*; 伊東 秀明*; 星野 勝明*; 原 邦夫*; 黒沢 瀧一*; 村上 幸義*

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


The auxiliary plant service system consists of three different water cooling systems which remove heat of the components and emergency power supply diesel generators, and adjust atmospheric conditioning of inside and outside of the containment vessel. The whole system had been operated favorably since January 1976 when the functional test was conducted, till March 1980 when cycle 7 at 100MW operation was completed, and the total operating hour reached 79,000 hours. Although there exsisted some discontinuities in operation, the whole plant operation was not affected by taking adequate measures. Developent of corrosion in the water circuit and components in the system, loss of automatic restart function in case of loss of power, and temporal coolant loss due to chocked strainer in diesel generator cooling system were happened. For the respective problems, measures were taken. Water quality control measure as introduction of a counteragent injection system and a filtration facility has been taken place. And an improvement of start circuitly has been conducted to provide reliable and stable operation. Further, more reliable and stable operation is expected through the completion of exchange of the cooling tower and temperature control circuitly, which is scheduled to be provided in 1985.



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