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Operational experience of the fuel cleaning facility in "JOYO"

鈴木 寿章; 伊東 秀明; 江幡 享三*; 久野 修一*

not registered; Ito, Hideaki; not registered; not registered


This report describes the operational experience during the MK-II core and a theme of the future Fuel Cleaning Facility in "JOYO". Following results are obtained. (1)The sodium guantity adhered the spent core elements is influenced by the inner structure of the elements. (2)The corrosion product guantity in the washing waste water is mainly influenced by the corrosion product adhering to material surface. (3)The sodium guantity in the water which is contained in a can differs from the kind of elements. (Maximum value of sodium is about 8 grams) (4)During the washing by demineralized water, reaction velocity and guantity of sodium which adheres to a element differ from the kind of elements. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the washing way depend on the elements.



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