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Preparation of computer codes for estimating the accuracy in nuclear design of Doppler reactivities

花木 洋*; 三田 敏男*; 瑞慶覧 篤*

not registered; Sanda, Toshio*; not registered


To develop nuclear design of LMFBR cores, they are important subjects of research and development to improve the accuracy in nuclear design of large LMFBR cores and to design highly efficient core more rationally. The adjusted nuclear cross-sections library had been made by being reflected the result of critical experiment of the JUPITER, etc. effectively as much as possible. And the distinct improvement of the accuracy in nuclear design of large LMFBR cores had been achieved. And the computer codes for analyzing sensitivity coefficients of burnup characteristics had been prepared to improve the prediction accuracy for burnup characteristics using many burnup data of "Joyo" effectively. As compared with critical experiment, Doppler reactivity is one of the great characteristics of LMFBR. Doppler reactivity is very important to assure core character of self-control and it is claimed to improve the prediction accuracy for it. But it is impossible to estimate the accuracy for present codes because it is much depend on self-shielding factor. Therefore in this work the system for estimating the accuracy in nuclear design of Doppler reactivity by improving present computer codes was studied. The results are as follows: (1)The method of analyzing sensitivity coefficients of Doppler reactivity was studied and computer codes was prepared by improving present codes. (2)Uncertainty of the gradient toward temperature of self-shielding factor of U238 capture reaction which is the most important reaction for Doppler reactivity was estimated preparatorily and formalized for using adjustment. (3)Uncertainties of experiment and analysis for Doppler reactivities in ZPPR-9 were arranged. (4)It was clarified that it is possible to improve C/E values of Doppler reactivities without affecting other neutronic characteristics by doing preparatorily adjustment.



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