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 年 ~ 

Development of low alkaline cement considering pozzolanic reaction for support system in HLW repository construction


中山 雅 ; 入矢 桂史郎*; 藤島 敦; 三原 守弘  ; 畑中 耕一郎; 栗原 雄二*; 油井 三和

Nakayama, Masashi; Iriya, Keishiro*; Fujishima, Atsushi; Mihara, Morihiro; Hatanaka, Koichiro; Kurihara, Yuji*; Yui, Mikazu


Cementitious material is one of candidates of engineered barriers in TRU and HLW repositories. However, since ordinary Portland cement may rises pH of pore water due to its high alkalinity, bentnite and rock which contact with cementitious barriers as a mulch barrier system may deteriorate for a long term by its high pH. Low alkalinity cement with high pozzolanic material content are developed in order to reduce such hyper alkaline deterioration. This paper shows that pH of pore water of this cement is about 11, and that it can be applied for actual structures as self compacting concrete and shotcrete.



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