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Overview of EM-ACROSS and its development


中島 崇裕; 熊澤 峰夫; 茂田 直孝; 國友 孝洋; 長尾 大道; 松本 裕史*

Nakajima, Takahiro; Kumazawa, Mineo; Shigeta, Naotaka; Kunitomo, Takahiro; Nagao, Hiromichi; Matsumoto, Hiroshi*


We introduce a new observation system named EM-ACROSS (Electro-Magnetic Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System) for a monitoring the electrical state in the ground. Electromagnetic field has different feature from seismic wave, in a sense that electromagnetic field behaves not only as waves but also diffusion. We describe the overview of EM-ACROSS and the progress of its development at Tono Geoscience Center. We also note the possibility of the active monitoring of the crust using electromagnetic field.



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