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Report No.

Unusual cooling of the Middle Miocene Ichifusayama Granodiorite, Kyushu, Japan

Oikawa, Teruki; Umeda, Koji; Kanazawa, Sunao; Matsuzaki, Tatsuji*

The authors report biotite K-Ar, zircon FT, and apatite FT ages from four sites in the Ichifusayama Granodiorite in the Outer Zone acidic rocks of Southwest Japan, Southern Kyushu. All the K-Ar ages and FT ages are concentrated on 13-10Ma. The difference in the apatite FT ages was caused by an influence of paleotopography such as a deep valley. The rapid cooling of the granodiorite in ca. 13 Ma occurred by uplift throughout the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan in Kyushu. It is considered that obduction to the Philippine Sea Plate of the Outer Zone of Kyushu also occurred in ca. 13 Ma. It is considered that obduction to the Philippine Sea Plate of the Outer Zone of Kyushu also occurred in ca. 13 Ma.



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