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Report No.

Current status of system development to provide the databases of nuclides migration

Sasamoto, Hiroshi   ; Yoshida, Yasushi*; Isogai, Takeshi*; Suyama, Tadahiro*; Jintoku, Takashi*; Shibata, Masahiro ; Yui, Mikazu

JNC has developed the databases of nuclides migration for safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), and the databases have been used in the second progress report to present the technical reliability of HLW geological disposal in Japan. The technical level and applicability of databases developed by JNC have been evaluated highly not only in Japan but also in overseas. Thus we have performed the followings in order to provide the databases broadly in the word and to promote the use of databases; 1) development of tools to convert the database format from geochemical code PHREEQE to PHREEQC, GWB and EQ3/6, 2) open the web site including the databases to the public. As a result, a down-load system of databases from web site has been applied and the database users have significantly increased. Additionally it has been performed that we consider the useful comments from database user for modification and/or update of databases.



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