※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Conceptual design study and evaluation of advanced fuel fabrication systems in the feasibility study on commercialized FR fuel cycle in Japan


滑川 卓志; 川口 浩一  ; 小池 和宏; 原口 信吾; 石井 暁

Namekawa, Takashi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Koike, Kazuhiro; Haraguchi, Shingo; Ishii, Satoru


New concepts of future fabrication system for low decontaminated transuranium (TRU) fuel was designed. It is essential to establish a remote fabrication system in the hot cell, because materials with high levels of radiation and high generation of heat are handled in the system. The configuration of the present systems including aspects related to economy was clarified through the conceptual design study. Technical feasibility of each concepts is follwiong. For oxide fuels, the simplified pelletizing method has a high technical feasibility for the process, and its expected practical use is possible at early stage, because this method is based on wealth results of a conventional method. The sphere-pack method has the advantage of lesser dispersion of the fine powder due to the use of solution and granule in the process. However this system will shoulder additional cost for the liquid waste treatment process due to need dispose of a large bulk of process liquid waste. The vipack method has the possibility of economical improvement if simplification of the process can be achieved. However this system has some problems for quality assurance etc. For the casting method of metal fuel, high economical efficiency is generally expected of small-scale facilities, although verification of fabrication of the TRU alloy slug is required. For nitride fuel, technology developments for N-15 enrichment and recycling, and nitride conversion process etc. In particular, for coated particle fuel fabrication, crucial technology developments are required on coating and assembly process.



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