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Study on thermal hydraulics in thermal striping phenomena; Effect of structural materials on transfer of temperature fluctuation from fluid to structure

Kimura, Nobuyuki; Nagasawa, Kazuyoshi*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Ogawa, Hiroshi; Kamide, Hideki 

A quantitative evaluation on thermal striping, in which temperature fluctuation due to convective mixing causes high cycle thermal fatigue in structural components, is of importance for reactor safety. The consideration of decay of temperature fluctuation based on the phenomenological mechanism enables a legitimate design with reactor integrity. In this study, we performed a parallel triple-Jet water experiment along a wall. In this experiment, the material of the wall was changed to acrylic resin, type 316 stainless steel and copper in order to evaluate an effect of thermal properties in wall materials on the transfor characteristics of temperature fluctuation from fluid to structure. The fluid temperature was measured by a movable thermocouple-tree and the structural temperature was measured by thermocouples embedded on the wall surface. The effect of the wall material on the temperature fluctuation in fluid was not observed at the further position from the wall. In the vicinity of the wall, on the other hand, the temperature fluctuation intensity in fluid decreased as the thermal diffusivity of the wall material was large. The temperature fluctuation intensity in structure was small as the thermal diffusivity of the wall material was large. For each wall material, the heat transfer coefficient was obtained from a transfer function between fluid and structure temperature fluctuations. It was seen that the heat transfer coefficient was large as the thermal diffusivity of material was large. In this experiment, furthermore, the dependence of Nusselt number on Reynolds number was dose to the existing correlation in every materials.



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