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Report No.

Nano-mesoscopic structural characterization of 9Cr-ODS martensitic steel for improving creep strength

Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Ukai, Shigeharu  ; Sakasegawa, Hideo   ; Fujiwara, Masayuki; Kaito, Takeji ; Narita, Takeshi

This paper describes the effect on creep strength and microstructure of 9Cr-oxide dispersion strengthened martensitic steel (9Cr-ODS steel) brought by the differences in titanium concentration and consolidation temperature. The increase of titanium concentration to 0.30-0.35wt% was shown to provide remarkable improvement of creep strength accompanied by the increase of residual-alpha ferrite. The elevation of hot-extrusion temperature notably degraded the creep strength, however, appeared to increase the volume fraction of residual-alpha ferrite. Creep deformation process of 9Cr-ODS steel was discussed to explain these results based on microstructure observations.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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