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 年 ~ 

Evaluation of the characteristics of the neutron reference field using D$$_{2}$$O-moderated $$^{252}$$Cf source


古渡 意彦; 藤井 克年 ; 高橋 聖 ; 吉澤 道夫  ; 清水 滋; 川崎 克也 ; 山口 恭弘

Kowatari, Munehiko; Fujii, Katsutoshi; Takahashi, Masa; Yoshizawa, Michio; Shimizu, Shigeru; Kawasaki, Katsuya; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro


The facility of the Radiation Standards (FRS) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency was equipped with the reference neutron field by using D$$_{2}$$O moderated $$^{252}$$Cf neutron source (D$$_{2}$$O-Cf), with a 30cm diameter D$$_{2}$$O sphere. In order to determine the characteristics of the reference field within the ranges of calibration distance (75 to 200 cm from the center of the source to the calibration point) in detail, the authors performed the evaluation of the neutron spectra and neutron fluence rate at various distances from the D$$_{2}$$O moderated source assembly by computations using MCNP-4C and by experimental studies using Bonner Multi-sphere neutron Spectrometer (BMS). Due to the volume neutron source, it is difficult to measure the contribution of the scattered neutron component with the desirable accuracy by shadow-cone method. In this study, the net counting rate of each counter of BMS was corrected by estimating the ratio of the counting rate of each counter in condition of the experimental and the ideal arrangement by the Monte Carlo calculation. The spectra of the direct component were unfolded by using the corrected counting rate with SAND II code. The averaged dose conversion coefficients (h$$^{*}$$$$phi$$(10) and h$$_{p}$$$$phi$$(10)) and neutron dose rates (H$$^{*}$$(10) and H$$_{p}$$(10)) at various distance were estimated based on the measured spectra. The effectiveness of the correction was discussed by comparing the measured and calculated values. Additionally, the suitable distance for the calibration of personal dosimeter at FRS reference field was evaluated by the results.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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