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Report No.

Investigation of properties of the TIARA neutron beam facility of importance for calibration applications

Shikaze, Yoshiaki ; Tanimura, Yoshihiko   ; Saegusa, Jun; Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Uchida, Yoshiaki*

For neutron energy more than 20 MeV, the international standard of the calibration fields and techniques has not been established. Therefore, by using the quasi-monoenergetic neutron irradiation field of 40-90 MeV at TIARA of JAEA Takasaki, we are developing the calibration field. Here we evaluated the properties of the neutron field, where neutrons were produced in the nuclear reaction of the Li target with 45, 50 and 70 MeV protons. We investigated the neutron beam profile at different distance from the target by using the imaging plates with a polyethylene converter to measure the recoil protons produced in the converter. From the results, properties of the neutron beam profile were found as follows: (1) Irradiation field area was fixed geometrically by the distance from the target and the diameter of the collimator exit; (2) The beam intensity within the irradiation field was in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the target. Also, we measured the peak energy and energy spectrum of neutron through TOF method by using organic liquid scintillation detector. Then we evaluated the energy spectra of the scattered neutrons at various positions outside the irradiation field through unfolding method. The FORIST unfolding code and the response of SCINFUL-QMD code were used here. From the neutron energy spectra obtained in the different method mentioned above, peak fluence for on-beam position was evaluated comparing with the results in previous evaluation of the neutron field at TIARA.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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