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Report No.

Multiple-Canister Flow and Transport code in 2-Dimensional space (MCFT2D); User's manual

Lim, D. H.

A two-dimensional numerical code, MCFT2D (Multiple-Canister Flow and Transport code in 2-Dimensional space), has been developed for groundwater flow and radionuclide transport analyses in a water-saturated high-level radioactive waste (HLW) repository with multiple canisters. A multiple-canister configuration and a heterogeneous flow field of the host rock are incorporated in the MCFT2D code. Effects of heterogeneous flow field of the host rock on migration of nuclides can be investigated using MCFT2D. The MCFT2D enables to take into account the various degrees of the dependency of canisters configuration for nuclide migration in a water-saturated HLW repository [1,2], while the dependency was assumed to be either independent [3-5] or perfectly dependent [6,7] in previous studies. This report presents features of the MCFT2D code, numerical simulation using MCFT2D code, and graphical representation of the numerical results.



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