※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


An Examination of detection possibilities of the EM signals transmitted from the submarine cable to monitor the conductivity in the crust

中島 崇裕; 熊澤 峰夫; 長尾 大道*

Nakajima, Takahiro; Kumazawa, Mineo; Nagao, Hiromichi*


We examined the possibility for the application of the submarine cables off the coast of Toyohashi as a transmitting source of EM-ACROSS. We estimated the ACROSS signals reflected from the high conductivity layer 9 km below the seabed. The numerical calculations of the layered medium indicates that the signal from the layer could emerge with a few days observation of the electric field. The observable frequency range estimated by the assumed conductivity model is between 0.01 and 1 Hz.



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