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Ion current prediction model considering columnar recombination in alpha radioactivity measurement using ionized air transportation


内藤 晋*; 平田 洋介*; 泉 幹雄*; 佐野 明*; 宮本 泰明 ; 青山 佳男 ; 山口 大美 

Naito, Susumu*; Hirata, Yosuke*; Izumi, Mikio*; Sano, Akira*; Miyamoto, Yasuaki; Aoyama, Yoshio; Yamaguchi, Hiromi


A reinforced ion current prediction model in the alpha radioactivity measurement using ionized air transportation was presented. Although our previous model explained a qualitative trend of the measured ion current values, their absolute values were considerably overestimated. In order to explain them quantitatively, the model was reinforced in consideration of columnar recombination. It was found that our new model explains the considerable ion loss in the initial stage of ion diffusion and narrows the gap between the predicted and measured ion current values. This model also indicated a prospective suppression of ion loss due to columnar recombination by spraying a high-speed air flow on the contaminated surface. This suppression was experimentally investigated and confirmed. In conclusion, the theoretical relationship between alpha radioactivity and ion current was clarified quantitatively in laminar flow and turbulent pipe flow.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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