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Ferroelectric polarization and magnetic structure in Eu$$_{0.595}$$Y$$_{0.405}$$MnO$$_{3}$$

Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Kofu, Maiko*   ; Noda, Kohei*; Kuwahara, Hideki*

Eu$$_{0.595}$$Y$$_{0.405}$$MnO$$_3$$ shows an antiferromagnetic transition below $$T_N = 47$$K. A spontaneous ferroelectric polarization $$P$$ along $$c$$ appears below $$T_C^c = 25$$K. The direction of $$P$$ then switches to $$a$$ below $$T_C^a = 23$$K. To investigate the relation between $$P$$ and the magnetic structure (MS), we have performed a neutron diffraction study using EXCED diffractometer installed at KENS spallation neutron facility of KEK. Magnetic Bragg peaks with a wave vector (0,0.31,1) were observed. By comparing a magnetic Bragg peak whose scattering vector $$bf{Q}$$ is almost parallel to $$b$$ and that with $$bf{Q}$$ almost parallel to $$c$$, we have succeeded in observing the change of the MS at the temperature ($$T$$) where $$P$$ appears and at $$T$$ where $$P$$ changes its polarization direction. Our observations can be interpreted as formation of a spiral spin structure and change of its easy plane in response to the change of the dielectric properties.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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