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Report No.

Application of a comprehensive sensitivity analysis method on the safety assessment of TRU waste disposal in Japan

Oi, Takao ; Takase, Hiroyasu*; Inagaki, Manabu; Oyamada, Kiyoshi*; Sone, Tomoyuki ; Mihara, Morihiro  ; Ebashi, Takeshi; Nakajima, Kunihiko*

A comprehensive sensitivity analysis method has been developed with the aim of providing quantitative information in an efficient manner. This methodology is composed of the following two components: (1) a statistical method with random sampling of independent parameters, which identifies important parameters and extracts threshold values of parameters and/or combinations yielding a "successful condition" where maximum dose does not exceed a target value, (2) A nuclide migration model that as far as possible incorporates a comprehensive set of phenomena occurring within the repository. This approach was applied as part of a safety assessment of the geological disposal of TRU waste in Japan (TRU-2). It was shown that the concept of TRU waste disposal is robust from the point of view of safety.



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