※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

イナートマトリクス窒化物燃料の照射後破壊試験,1; 金相試験

Post-irradiation destructive examinations of inert matrix nitride fuels, 1; Metallography

岩井 孝; 松井 寛樹; 市瀬 健一 ; 小野 勝人; 荒井 康夫

Iwai, Takashi; Matsui, Hiroki; Ichise, Kenichi; Ono, Katsuto; Arai, Yasuo


The results of post-irradiation destructive examinations of (Zr,Pu)N and (TiN,PuN) simulated of inert matrix nitiride fuel which is a candidate material for transmutation of minor actinides, are reported. From the observation of cross section of the fuel pins, a gap was existent between fuel pellet and cladding. As there is no large cruck in the fuel pellet, the structure of the pellet was very stable. Because reation zones and signs of the corrosion were not shown, the fuel clad chemical interaction did not occurred. Grain size of the fuel pellet did not change under irradiation as the temperature of the pellet was low.



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