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Report No.

Numerical analysis of the spatial nonuniformity in a Cs-seeded H$$^{-}$$ ion source

Takado, Naoyuki*; Hanatani, Junji*; Mizuno, Takatoshi*; Kato, Kyohei*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Hanada, Masaya; Seki, Takayoshi; Inoue, Takashi

Surface production and transport process of H$$^{-}$$ ions are numerically simulated to clarify the origin of H$$^{-}$$ beam non-uniformity. A three-dimensional transport code using Monte Carlo method has been applied to productions of H$$^{0}$$ atoms and H$$^{-}$$ ions in a large negative ion source under the Cs seeded condition. The results show that a large fraction of hydrogen atoms are produced in a high electron temperature region. This leads to a spatial non-uniformity of H$$^{0}$$ atom flux to the plasma grid where H$$^{0}$$ atoms capture electrons and converted to H$$^{-}$$ ions. In addition, most surface-produced H$$^{-}$$ ions are extracted even through the high electron temperature region without destruction.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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