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Report No.

A Trial observation of the EM-ACROSS signal for the long-distance transmission

Nakajima, Takahiro; Nagao, Hiromichi*; Sayanagi, Keizo*; Noda, Yoichi*; Nagao, Toshiyasu*; Kumazawa, Mineo; Hasada, Yoko*

Observation test was successfully made on the faint EM-ACROSS signals transmitted through the Earth's crust over the distance of 30 km. We transmitted a set of three sine waves around 1Hz from the grounded wire source with the dipole moment 4A $$times$$ 150m. The signal level observed at the distance of 30 km was in the order of 0.01pT, which is 10$$^{-3}$$ lower than the average level of environmental electromagnetic noise at the observation sites. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the observations becomes up to 5 by means of the optimized stacking of the raw observation data for the 40 days. signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) becomes larger. The result of this trial observation becomes a substantial experience for the monitoring of the area of earthquake generation or volcanoes in the future.



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