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Development of safeguards and maintenance technology in Tokai Reprocessing Plant


山村 修; 山本 隆一; 野村 茂雄; 藤井 靖彦*

Yamamura, Osamu; Yamamoto, Ryuichi; Nomura, Shigeo; Fujii, Yasuhiko*


The application of safeguards to the Tokai Reprocessing Plant(TRP), the world's first reprocessing plant with a sole objective of commercial use, was made on try and error basis because it was the first experience for both the plant and the inspection sides. Through thirty years' faithful cooperation to the IAEA-initiated safeguards program, TRP contributed also to the developments of the international credibility upon the concept of safeguards system of Reprocessing plant in non-nuclear weapon countries. TRP also has been processing over 1,123 ton of spent fuels from the beginning of its active operation in Sept.'77. For 30 years operation of TRP, many technological problems have been overcome to obtain the stable and reliable operation. The process for establishments of maintenance technology in TRP was evaluated through the analysis of significant plant equipment failures reported to the Government and so on. Discussion in this paper is also emphasized that the safeguards system and the maintenance technologies developed by TRP have been applied to the first Rokkasho commercial reprocessing plant (RRP). Furthermore, this operation knowledge base can contribute to the design and construction of the next generation reprocessing plant.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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