※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

JRR-3 maintenance program utilizing accumulated operational data


出雲 寛互; 加藤 友章; 木名瀬 政美 ; 鳥居 義也 ; 村山 洋二

Izumo, Hironobu; Kato, Tomoaki; Kinase, Masami; Torii, Yoshiya; Murayama, Yoji


JRR-3(Japan Research Reactor No.3) has been operated for about 15 years after the modification, without significant troubles by carrying out maintenance such as the preventive maintenance (mainly Time-Based Maintenance: TBM) for the safety-grade equipments and the breakdown maintenance for the non-safety-grade equipments. Recently, numbers of out-of-schedule-shutdowns caused by aging of the non-safety-grade equipment have been increasing, but resources for both maintenances have been decreasing year by year. In such a situation, new JRR-3 maintenance program is studying and reviewed considering safety, reliability and economical. In the evaluation, the maintenance data (i.e. vibration, measurement, etc.) which accumulated on JRR-3 is applied effectively. In the conference, it is offered that the policy on the maintenance review at JRR-3 and the future direction of JRR-3 maintenance programs.



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