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Report No.

Development of a new quantitative rock mass classification for shaft

Kuji, Masayoshi; Sato, Toshinori  ; Mikake, Shinichiro ; Kuroda, Hidetaka

Two deep shafts at Mizunami URL are under construction at Mizunami City. To estimate the rock mass quality and UCS on shaft wall, existent rock mass classification methods (CRIEPI, RMR and New-JH) and in-situ needle sounding tests were applied in sedimentary rock to GL. -50 m depth. However, drawbacks were predicted when using these rock mass classification methods. A new quantitative rock mass classification method based on JGS standard, UCS, fracture spacing and CRIEPI classes, was developed. This method showed good suitability to sedimentary rock. Afterward, the method was applied to GL. -168 m and its suitability was confirmed.



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