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Report No.

In search of zonal flows by using direct density fluctuation measurements

Nagashima, Yoshihiko*; Ito, Kimitaka*; Ito, Sanae*; Fujisawa, Akihide*; Yagi, Masatoshi*; Hoshino, Katsumichi; Shinohara, Koji; Ejiri, Akira*; Takase, Yuichi*; Ido, Takeshi*; Uehara, Kazuya; Miura, Yukitoshi; JFT-2M Group

It was found that the envelope of the ambient density fluctuation of the drift wave turbulence has spectral peaks aroound zonal flow frequencies. A method to detect the zonal flow using this characteristic was considered using the JFT-2M density fluctuation data. There is a possibility that the zonal flow will be able to be detected in the future burning plasmas by using the density fluctuations measured by some density fluctuation measurement by such as the microwave reflectometer and so on.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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