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Development of design technology on thermal-hydraulic performance in tight-lattice rod bundle, 3; Numerical estimation on rod bowing effect based on X-ray CT data

Misawa, Takeharu; Onuki, Akira; Mitsutake, Toru*; Katsuyama, Kozo ; Misawa, Susumu*; Nagamine, Tsuyoshi; Nakamura, Yasuo; Akimoto, Hajime

In this study, the rod positions in the rod bowing test section were measured using the high energy X-ray computer tomography (X-ray-CT). Based on the measured rod positions data, the subchannel analysis by the NASCA code was performed, in order to investigate applicability of the NASCA code to BT estimation of the rod bowing test section, and influence of displacement from design-based rod position upon BT estimation by the NASCA code.



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