※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Performance of the H$$_{p}$$(10) and H$$_{p}$$(0.07) measurable electronic pocket dosimeter for $$gamma$$- and $$beta$$-rays

H$$_{p}$$(10), H$$_{p}$$(0.07)対応型電子ポケット線量計の$$gamma$$線及び$$beta$$線に対する特性

高橋 聖 ; 関口 真人; 宮内 英明 ; 橘 晴夫 ; 吉澤 道夫  ; 加藤 徹*; 山口 明仁*

Takahashi, Masa; Sekiguchi, Masato; Miyauchi, Hideaki; Tachibana, Haruo; Yoshizawa, Michio; Kato, Toru*; Yamaguchi, Akihito*

In this study, the H$$_{p}$$(10) and H$$_{p}$$(0.07) detectable electronic pocket dosimeter(EPD-101) manufactured by ALOKA CO., LTD. was examined for (1) energy dependences for $$gamma$$ and $$beta$$-rays and (2) applicability for actually personal dosimetry in the mixed radiation fields. The energy responses of EPD-101 were obtained by standard irradiation in the Facility of Radiation Standards in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The responses of EPD-101 were shown to be within $$pm$$20% in the irradiated energy range for the both radiations except for $$^{147}$$Pm emitting low-energy $$beta$$-rays. In order to examine the applicability of EPD-101 in actual radiation workplaces, measured values of EPD-101 were compared with those of two other types of dosimeters (glass dosimeters and thermoluminescence dosimeters) in hot cells of the Reactor Fuel Examination Facility in JAEA. As a result, EPD-101 showed lower dose for $$beta$$-ray and higher dose for $$gamma$$-ray than the other two dosimeters. The differences should be attributed to high-energy $$beta$$-emitting sources such as $$^{106}$$Ru-$$^{106}$$Rh in the facility.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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