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Report No.

Research & development for construction of "computational infrastructure in atomic energy research field" based on grid computing technology

Minami, Takahiro; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Aoyagi, Tetsuo; Ito, Toshinori*; Nakajima, Norihiro  

The Center for Computational Science and E-systems of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (CCSE/JAEA) has started a program to construct an international computational infrastructure in atomic energy research field called the AEGIS (Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure) in April, 2006. The development is based on numerous experiences and technologies acquired from the development of the STA (Seamless Thinking Aid) and the ITBL (Information Technology Based Laboratory) infrastructure software. In this paper, we will introduce two key achievements prior to the AEGIS program: "Interoperable system between UNICORE in Germany and ITBL" which achieves international sharing of computational resources, and the "STARPC Plus" which can construct a compact grid system.



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