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Aerodynamic design, model test, and CFD analysis for a multistage axial helium compressor

Yan, X.; Takizuka, Takakazu; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko ; Itaka, Hidehiko*; Takahashi, Kunio*

Helium compressor aerodynamics is challenged by the characteristically narrow and numerous-stage flowpath which enhances loss effects of blade surface and end wall boundary layers, secondary and clearance flows, and any occurrence of flow separation and stage mismatch. To meet efficiency and reliability requirements of nuclear application, baseline and advanced aerodynamic design techniques are incorporated with intent to mitigate the flowpath adverse working condition and losses. Design validation is carried out by test and test-calibrated 3D viscous CFD analysis on a subscale model compressor. The data and computational insights of overall performance and internal flow behavior are used to establish a performance model based on Reynolds number. The model applicable to all geometrically similar designs shows sensitive responses of aerodynamic efficiency to Reynolds number and surface roughness.



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Category:Engineering, Mechanical



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