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 年 ~ 


Large scale earthquake response analysis of nuclear test reactor utilizing assembling method of 3 dimensional CAD models

西田 明美  ; 塩見 忠彦*

Nishida, Akemi; Shiomi, Tadahiko*


Additional reliability is expected for maintaining the safety of infrastructures like nuclear plants. We have focused on the construction an analysis system termed the "three-dimensional virtual plant vibration simulator," which is a numerical simulation system for a nuclear plant that considers the interconnection of components, buildings, and their foundations under real operating conditions. In this paper, an application example of the seismic response analysis of a nuclear building is shown. Detailed stress evaluation becomes possible by using the building response as the input for the component supports. The construction of a system that enables the generation of the mesh data of each structural part with a different mesh precision is reported, and by including a technology that can address the problems between the parts of an assembly structure, it is possible to reduce the loads in the complicated modeling work.



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