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Report No.

Monte Carlo modelling of Germanium detectors for the measurement of low energy photons in internal dosimetry; Results of an international comparison

G$'o$mez-Ros, J.-M.*; de Carlan, L.*; Franck, D.*; Gualdrini, G.*; Lis, M.*; L$'o$pez, M. A.*; Moraleda, M.*; Zankl, M.*; Badal, A.*; Capello, K.*; Cowan, P.*; Ferrari, P.*; Heide, B.*; Henniger, J.*; Hooley, V.*; Hunt, J.*; Kinase, Sakae   ; Kramer, G. H.*; L$"o$hnert, D.*; Lucas, S.*; Nuttens, V.*; Packer, L. W.*; Reichelt, U.*; Vrba, T.*; Sempau, J.*; Zhang, B.*

This communication summarizes the results concerning the Monte Carlo modeling of Germanium detectors for the measurement of low energy photons arising from the "International comparison on MC modeling for in vivo measurement of Americium in a knee phantom" organized within the EU Coordination Action CONRAD (Coordinated Network for Radiation Dosimetry) as a joint initiative of EURADOS working groups 6 (computational dosimetry) and 7 (internal dosimetry).



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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